Type-P fire hose reel console

Type-P fire hose reel console

In large spaces such as shops, warehouses and exhibition halls, there is often no constructional preparation for the installation of the required fire hose reels. In these situations, the Saval fire reel consoles and hose reel cabinet consoles provide a good and aesthetic solution.


The consoles type P are built around a tight steel tube with a round foot plate. The console is fitted with a mounting bracket with the correct bolts for the fire hose reel already fitted. Below the hose reel there is a support where the hose guide and the suspension hook for the nozzle can be placed. The consoles can also be supplied with a mounting plate (125 x 125 mm) on the top for a manual fire alarm call point and is suitable for the most common types. Type P is supplied in a light grey primer or on request in a high gloss red, white or black lacquer.

Dimensions and order numbers type P

Width incl. hose reel mm 600
Height mm 1176
Diameter foot plate mm 200
Order no. 8922.080
Order no. incl. call point 8922.090



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